Dr. Brian Schubert
I have been at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette since 2013. I received my Ph.D. from Binghamton University and worked as a Postdoctoral Research Scientist and then as an Assistant Research Scientist at the University of Hawaii prior to moving to Louisiana. My research has taken me across Louisiana, as well as in the Mojave Desert, Ireland, Alaska, Arctic Canada, Norway, China, and Siberia.
Ph.D. in Geology, Binghamton University, 2008 (Advisor: Dr. Tim K. Lowenstein).
B.S. in Geology with Honors, Lafayette College, 2004 (Advisor: Dr. Dru Germanoski).
Academic Employment
Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 08/23 - present
Associate Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 05/17 - present
Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 01/13 - 05/17
Assistant Researcher, University of Hawaii, 09/10 - 12/12 (Jahren Lab)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Hawaii, 09/08 - 08/10 (Advisor: Dr. A. Hope Jahren)
Administrative Service
Director, School of Geosciences, 2024 - present
Interim Director, School of Geosciences, 2023-2024
Graduate Advisory Committee, Earth & Energy Sciences PhD Program, 2018-2023 (Chair 2020-2022)
Program Coordinator, Geology BS Program, 2018-2023
Graduate Coordinator, Geology MS Program, 2015-2020
Awards and Honors
2023-2025 Editorial Board, Geology
2021 Outstanding Researcher Award, Ray P. Authement College of Sciences, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2020 Exceptional Reviewer, Geology
2019-present Jack and Gladys Theall/BORSF Endowed Professorship in College of Sciences
2016 Rising Star Award, Ray P. Authement College of Sciences, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2015-2018 Robert C. and Barbara Pettit Endowed Professorship in Geology
2013 Certificate of Achievement in Research and Sponsored Activities, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2013 Best University Paper Award, Geosciences Research Meeting, U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences
2011 Exceptional Reviewer, Geological Society of America Bulletin
2008 W.D. Williams Award, International Society for Salt Lake Research
2008 Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research, Binghamton University
Ph.D. in Geology, Binghamton University, 2008 (Advisor: Dr. Tim K. Lowenstein).
B.S. in Geology with Honors, Lafayette College, 2004 (Advisor: Dr. Dru Germanoski).
Academic Employment
Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 08/23 - present
Associate Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 05/17 - present
Assistant Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 01/13 - 05/17
Assistant Researcher, University of Hawaii, 09/10 - 12/12 (Jahren Lab)
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Hawaii, 09/08 - 08/10 (Advisor: Dr. A. Hope Jahren)
Administrative Service
Director, School of Geosciences, 2024 - present
Interim Director, School of Geosciences, 2023-2024
Graduate Advisory Committee, Earth & Energy Sciences PhD Program, 2018-2023 (Chair 2020-2022)
Program Coordinator, Geology BS Program, 2018-2023
Graduate Coordinator, Geology MS Program, 2015-2020
Awards and Honors
2023-2025 Editorial Board, Geology
2021 Outstanding Researcher Award, Ray P. Authement College of Sciences, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2020 Exceptional Reviewer, Geology
2019-present Jack and Gladys Theall/BORSF Endowed Professorship in College of Sciences
2016 Rising Star Award, Ray P. Authement College of Sciences, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2015-2018 Robert C. and Barbara Pettit Endowed Professorship in Geology
2013 Certificate of Achievement in Research and Sponsored Activities, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
2013 Best University Paper Award, Geosciences Research Meeting, U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences
2011 Exceptional Reviewer, Geological Society of America Bulletin
2008 W.D. Williams Award, International Society for Salt Lake Research
2008 Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research, Binghamton University